Karachi: Pakistani director Nadeem Baig has in a recent revelation confirmed that he offered a role to B-town’s veteran actor Rishi Kapoor in the sequel of the hit comedy ‘ Jawani Phir Nahi Ani 2.’
However, the actor turned it down, saying: “Rather than casting Indian actors in Pakistani movies, it would be a good idea to find a strong story, which makes an impact on Indian cinema,” reports the Dawn.
Earlier, a leading Indian newspaper reported the news and it followed a trail of speculations, which were long there till the director cleared the air.
“Yes we approached him. He liked his role but he said he’ll agree to it if we can release the film in India as well.” said Baig, without revealing the character offered to him.
He added while it is possible to release a film in India there is also a risk about the film’s success.